Why Synthetic Multivitamins Fall Short and the Better Alternative You Need

Flat-laid multivitamin capsules on a white surface, showcasing assorted varieties.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for our well-being and more often than not, we turn to synthetic vitamins for a quick fix. However, they often fall short in delivering the nutrients our bodies need. Packed with additives and fillers, these supplements can do more harm than good, leaving us deficient in essential vitamins and minerals despite our best efforts.

In light of these concerns, a natural alternative emerges in the form of liver glandular supplements. By harnessing the nutrient-rich power of organ meats, these supplements offer a solution deeply rooted in whole food nutrition.


Synthetic multivitamins, such as Kirkland Signature Adult Multivitamin Gummies and Nature’s Made, are often made with artificial ingredients and fillers. These additional ingredients serve many purposes, from enhancing the appearance and taste of the supplements to extending their shelf life, but can also pose possible health risks. For example, many synthetic multivitamins contain folic acid, a synthetic form of folate. Folic acid is not easily metabolized by everyone and can even be harmful to certain individuals, particularly those with MTHFR gene mutations

Another issue with synthetic multivitamins is their poor absorption and bioavailability within the body. Unlike natural sources of vitamins and minerals found in whole foods, synthetic forms often struggle to be recognized and utilized effectively by our cells. As a result, even though we may diligently take our daily dose of synthetic vitamins, our bodies may still experience deficiencies in essential nutrients.


Throughout history, consuming organ meats was valued for its health benefits, believed to strengthen corresponding organs in humans. However, in modern Western culture, this practice is often viewed unfavorably.

In response to the reluctance or aversion many people feel towards consuming organs directly, The Wellness Way has developed an innovative solution: organ-based supplements, that are: [3]

  • Pasture-raised, grass-fed, and grass-finished in New Zealand  

  • Freeze-dried for optimal nutrient benefits  

  • Third-party tested for purity 

  • Free of hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, and GMOs (genetically modified organisms) 

  • No fillers or flow agents (starches, stearates, silica, etc.) 

  • Allergen-free  

By upholding these stringent quality standards, we ensure purity and potency, providing a convenient and accessible way to reap the nutritional benefits of glandular consumption.


Liver is a nutritional powerhouse and is considered as the most nutrient-dense food on the planet as it is rich in essential vitamins and minerals crucial for health and vitality:

  • Preformed Vitamin A: Essential for vision, immune function, and skin health

  • Vitamin B12: Vital for neurological function, DNA synthesis, and red blood cell production

  • Folate: Necessary for DNA synthesis and cell division, supporting overall cellular health

  • Choline: Nutrient important for brain health, liver function, and metabolism

  • CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10): Liver is a natural source of this antioxidant that supports cellular energy production and cardiovascular health

  • Heme Iron: Contains Heme iron which is the most bioavailable form of iron that enhances absorption and supports oxygen transport in the blood, preventing iron deficiency anemia

Notably, this abundance of nutrients promotes collagen synthesis, supporting skin health, and bone strength. Its nutrient profile also extends benefits to hair, skin, and nail health, while providing support for anemia and promoting heart and brain health. Incorporating liver into the diet can significantly enhance nutrient intake and contribute to overall health and well-being.


So instead of relying on synthetic multivitamins, consider making the switch to whole food supplementation, such as Liver Glandular. Liver Glandular supplements contain nutrients in their natural form, making them easier for our bodies to recognize and utilize effectively.

  1. Minimal Fillers: Whole food supplements typically have fewer fillers and artificial ingredients compared to synthetic multivitamins. Meaning you’ll get more of the good stuff without unnecessary additives.

  2. Nutrient Density: Unlike synthetic counterparts, glandular supplements provide a concentrated source of essential vitamins and minerals in their natural form. This means you're getting vitamins and minerals in forms that your body recognizes and can easily absorb.

  3. Absorption and Bioavailability: By mimicking the composition of our own organs, glandular supplements offer nutrients in a bioavailable form, maximizing absorption and utilization.

  4. Methylated Forms of B Vitamins: Unlike synthetic multivitamins, liver glandular supplements often include methylated forms of B vitamins. Methylated B vitamins are already in their active form, making them easier for your body to use.

Ready to make the switch to a more natural and effective form of supplementation? Experience the benefits of whole food supplementation with Liver Glandular from The Wellness Way. With its nutrient-dense profile and bioavailable form, Liver Glandular offers a superior alternative to synthetic multivitamins.

In conclusion, when it comes to nourishing our bodies with essential vitamins and minerals, synthetic multivitamins may not always be the best option. Their reliance on artificial ingredients, poor absorption rates, and potential health risks highlight the need for a more natural and effective alternative.

Liver glandular supplements, such as those offered by The Wellness Way, provide a solution rooted in the wisdom of whole food supplementation. By delivering nutrients in their natural form, sourced from pasture-raised, grass-fed, and grass-finished animals, these supplements offer unparalleled purity and potency.

Make the switch today and experience the transformative power of whole food supplementation with Liver Glandular from The Wellness Way.

Your body deserves nothing less than the best.


Liver Glandular: Eat Your Liver in a Capsule! - The Wellness Way

Liver Glandular The Wellness Way Store

MTHFR Gene Mutation: Understanding Symptoms, Treatments, and Diagnosis (healthline.com)


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