Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is at the forefront of true health. If we are not addressing the nervous system and correcting subluxation, we are not ensuring that the brain is communicating optimally with the rest of the body. Our brain’s job is to perceive and respond to all other sensory information. Spinal function and motion are important pieces of information that the brain uses to perceive the environment. When spinal segments are subluxated, in other words, not moving the way they should be, our spine sends abnormal signals to the brain. This results in the brain integrating information incorrectly. Thus, the signals sent to our organs, muscles, joints and glands are not optimal, so pain and dysfunction arise. 

At The Wellness Way Sarasota, you will hear us talking a lot about the 3 T’s, which are the three main forms of subluxation (or misalignment) in the human body. Chiropractic care addresses one of these 3 T’s incredibly well – trauma. Whether it was a traumatic birth from the start, bumps and falls while learning to walk, athletic injuries growing up, poor biomechanics and posture, or car accidents, we have all endured physical trauma to the body in some shape or form. These physical traumas result in constant wear and tear on the spine. Our spinal cord is a very important part of our central nervous system and its purpose is to send signals from the brain to the body and vice versa. Because this structure is so critically important for our health and ability to function, the spinal cord is encased in bone. These bony structures, known as vertebrae, endure wear and tear as time goes on as a result of the physical traumas we encounter daily. This ultimately leads to degenerative changes to the bone that encases our critically important spinal cord. When degeneration persists, there is potential for the spinal cord to become compromised and this results in aberrant signaling between the brain and the body.