Ditch the DEET: Safer, Natural Bug Repellents for a Healthier Summer

As summer approaches, it's the perfect time to think about how to protect yourself from mosquitoes and other annoying bugs. While conventional bug sprays can keep the bites at bay, they often come with a hidden cost: toxic chemicals that can harm your health. Let’s explore why you should ditch those chemical-laden sprays and switch to safer alternatives.

Ditch Toxic Bug Sprays

Why Avoid DEET?

DEET, short for N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, has been a popular insect repellent since its development by the U.S. Army in 1946. However, this chemical has been linked to various neurotoxic effects, including problems with motor skills, learning, and memory. Research has shown that DEET can be absorbed through the skin and even cross the placenta in pregnant women, potentially exposing unborn babies to its harmful effects. Alarmingly, animal studies have found DEET in babies up to three months old after being exposed to it in utero.

Health Risks

While most manufacturing companies deny the health risks of this chemical, numerous studies have, in turn, highlighted the dangers of DEET. For example, a study published in 2021 found that DEET negatively impacts cell health and growth in the sinonasal epithelia. Additionally, the CDC’s Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry has documented DEET’s toxic effects on the skin and nervous system, including symptoms like aggression, low blood pressure, uncoordinated movement, and seizures.

However, DEET doesn't just pose neurological risks. Studies have shown that it can compromise the epithelial barrier of the sinonasal cavities, which can lead to inflammation and allergic reactions. This is similar to how a leaky gut can cause systemic health issues by allowing foreign substances to enter the bloodstream. 

Given these significant risks, it’s clear that we need safer alternatives for protecting ourselves from bug bites.

Natural Bug Repellent Options

Several essential oils are known for their effectiveness in repelling mosquitoes and other bugs. Here are some of the best options:

  • Citronella Oil: Recognized by the EPA as an effective insect repellent, citronella oil is also known for its antioxidant, anti-parasitic, and wound-healing properties.

  • Lemongrass and Cinnamon: Studies by the NIH have shown these oils to be effective at keeping mosquitoes away.

  • Peppermint Oil: A systematic review in 2019 found peppermint oil to be highly effective, providing protection for up to 11.5 hours.

  • Geranium Oil: This oil offers up to 8 hours of complete repellency and is effective against a variety of insects.

Rowe Casa Organics Insect Repellent

Now if you don’t have the convenience of making your own, one of the best natural alternatives to DEET is Rowe Casa Organics Insect Repellent. This product is made with natural ingredients that are safe for both humans and pets. 

Here’s why Rowe Casa Organics stands out as a great product:

  • Natural Ingredients: Rowe Casa Organics uses a blend of essential oils known for their insect-repelling properties, including citronella, lemongrass, and peppermint. These ingredients are effective yet gentle on the skin.

  • Non-Toxic Formula: Unlike conventional repellents, Rowe Casa Organics' formula is free from synthetic chemicals and toxins. This makes it a safer choice for children, pregnant women, and those with sensitive skin.

  • Versatile Application: The insect repellent comes in a convenient spray form, making it easy to apply to both skin and clothing. It’s also available in formulations suitable for dogs, protecting your furry friends from ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas.

  • Environmental Benefits: Using natural ingredients means this repellent is biodegradable and less harmful to the environment, ensuring that you’re protecting not just yourself but also the planet.

As summer approaches, safeguarding yourself and your loved ones from mosquitoes and other pests is essential. However, relying on conventional bug sprays loaded with toxic chemicals like DEET can pose significant health risks, including neurotoxicity and compromised skin barriers. The good news is that natural alternatives exist, providing effective protection without the harmful side effects.

This summer, make the switch to natural bug repellents and enjoy peace of mind knowing you're protecting your health and the environment.

Stock up on natural insect repellents today and take advantage of our special offer. Save 20% off your first order or 10% off recurring orders at Rowe Casa Organics with the code cleangreenliving.

Don't wait until the bugs are biting! Embrace a safer, healthier approach to staying bug-free!


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