Our Approach

The Big Idea

BJ Palmer, the developer of chiropractic, once said, “The power that made the body heals the body”. We share this concept with all those walking through our doors at The Wellness Way Sarasota. As holistic practitioners who are well trained in the nervous system and physiology of the human body, we believe that every human being has the God-given potential to heal when the interference is removed from the nervous system. As chiropractors, we are trained in detecting and correcting subluxation. Subluxation is any neurological interference arising from one or more of the 3 T’s – traumas, toxins, and thoughts. 

  • Toxins


    Our world has never been as toxic as it is today. Our country is facing an epidemic and it is only getting worse. Sugar consumption is at an all-time high causing rates of obesity and diabetes to skyrocket. The options for fast food and pre-packaged meals are now endless. As a society, we are eating far less nutrient-dense whole foods and far more food with preservatives and processed toxins than ever before. The air we breathe, water we drink, personal hygienic products we use, and food we consume on a daily basis are unfortunately shifting our bodies closer to a state of disease rather than health for many of us. These toxins have a tremendous impact on our immune and nervous systems and directly shift our physiology away from normal.

  • Traumas


    We have all endured physical trauma from the moment of birth! The birthing process is very traumatic, and we are seeing more and more interventions used to bring a baby into this world. The physical pressure or trauma endured during childbirth has the potential to have lifelong complications if not addressed early on. Whether it comes from falls, car accidents, sports injuries or poor posture, we endure microtraumas every day that eventually cumulate to add extra stress on our nervous systems. Getting adjusted on a regular basis will ensure that your joints have the proper motion and ability to send signals to your brain and the rest of your body without any interference!

  • Thoughts


    Have you heard that your thoughts control your reality? Well, it’s true! If you are under chronic stress and feed your brain with negative thoughts, your body will eventually experience a host of issues. The brain and the body are closely connected that even just one thought of negativity can change your cortisol response and have an impact on your hormones! Did you know that the major cause of infertility is often stress-related!? Our bodies protect ourselves in times of chronic stress and allocate resources toward fighting the stressor and putting other human functions such as reproducing on the backburner for the time being. Stress can often manifest as a physical symptom somewhere else in the body. This is your body’s way of telling you that something is not quite right!